
The #1 question for restaurant owners and managers is some variation of, “How can I use technology and automation to replace my servers?”

Replacing all your servers seems like it checks all the boxes

But... and this is BIG

As restaurants across America have added tech and automation, customers began to feel disconnected. Loyal customers said they no longer felt the restaurants were a place to gather with friends and family. The now-automated restaurants found they were thought of as simply part of the food and drink supply chain.

That is not what you want.
All tech and automation is not what your customers want.
It’s smart to consider the advantages of integrating some of the hot new technology and automation.
The key to success is finding a balance between tech and automation and GREAT TIP$ trained servers.
The right blend of tech, automation, and well-trained human servers will cut expenses, increase revenue, and provide a better customer experience.

The good news is that servers want training and they want you to give it to them!

“70% of servers want additional training from management.” (2022 survey by 7Shifts)

The tough part is finding the right training. More good news! You just did.

Because this program was designed by veteran servers, your staff accepts the information peer to peer. This greatly accelerates the learning curve.
Servers quickly grasp each concept, understand how to apply it, and are motivated to take action.
Servers experience immediate success which amplifies their desire to learn more to earn more; creating a reinforcing loop.
GREAT TIP$ uses “motivational encoding.” Simply put, people remember better if they are motivated at the time the memory is created.
This program continually answers the servers’ primary motivating question, “What’s In It For Me?”

Need more reasons?

Restaurant owners and managers who choose to wait
or do nothing will pay a steep price.
The cost of unfulfilled customer expectations is already high. Mastercard surveys show almost 80% of restaurant complaints involve poor service, unfulfilled expectations.
And customer expectations are evolving as stories of AI, tech, and automation in the hospitality industry saturate the media.
Failure as a manager is professionally painful. Failure as an owner can be devastating.